
PREAMBLE: The Oregon High School International Relations League is an educational program designed to provide “hands-on” learning experiences in seeking solutions and understanding international issues in a global society.

ARTICLE 1: NAME The name of this organization is the Oregon High School International Relations League. (Hereinafter referred to as OHSIRL or “the organization”)

ARTICLE 2: STRUCTURE OHSIRL is a 501 (c) 3, non-profit organization established under the laws of the State of Oregon.

ARTICLE 3: PURPOSE The purpose of this organization is to promote the concept of citizen participation in international affairs; to assist students in increasing a global consciousness; to seek solutions to global issues they face; to provide a setting for debate of issues backed by research and facts; and to build bridges of understanding among different cultures. In addition, students have the opportunity to develop a life-long pattern of awareness of global issues.

ARTICLE 4: MEMBERSHIP Any school, grades 8 to 12, public or private, in the state is eligible for membership. They may exercise their voting rights in the organization upon payment of annual school dues.  


Section 1: The Executive Committee of OHSIRL shall consist of an elected Chairperson, an elected Secretary, an elected Treasurer, six additional elected advisors all of whom must be active school advisors for the duration of their term, the student President elected annually at the Spring Conference and ex officio members as deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee. Ex officio members can serve for one year and must be reappointed each year.

Section 2: Voting power of the Executive Committee is given to the nine Elected Advisors and the Student President

Section 3: A quorum shall consist of at least 60% of the voting members.

Section 4: The duties of the Executive Committee are:

A. to approve plans and dates of all OHSIRL activities
B. to establish long-term goals for the organization
C. to determine the policies governing the work of OHSIRL
D. to legislate any business of OHSIRL not otherwise delegated in the constitution
E. to assist in the recruitment and promotion of new member schools
F. to assume jurisdiction of all funds of OHSIRL
G. have the authority to hire personnel to carry out the goals and programs of the organization
H. receive committee reports
I. to carry out any other business as deemed appropriate to further the goals and aims of the organization
J. to approve all appointments to Executive Committee Standing and Ad Hoc Committees


Section 1: A total of six advisors shall be elected at the Spring Conference. Three shall be elected during even number years and three during odd number years.

Section 2: All advisors to the Executive Committee shall serve for a 2- year term and may be re-elected as many times as appropriate.

Section 3: In addition to the advisors in Section 1, A Chairperson and a Secretary shall be elected in even numbered years and a treasurer elected in odd number years at the Spring Conference.


A. Will chair all meetings of the Executive Committee
B. Will act as a spokesperson as needed for the organization
C. Will work with the staff to develop an agenda which shall be provided to members of the Executive Committee when applicable to weeks prior to scheduled meetings.
D. Will chair meetings of all Advisors at conferences held by the organization.
E. Will act as a signatory for OHSIRL accounts.
F. Will appoint as appropriate with the approval of the Executive Committee all standing and ad hoc committees of the organization.
G. Will execute all other duties as deemed appropriate and necessary to the position.


A. Will take minutes for all executive committee meetings and publish said minutes to all advisor members of the organization
B. Provide oversight for the OHSIRL web site and the contents of the web site
C. Provide oversight for all printed materials issued by OHSIRL
D. Serves with the Treasurer on the Professional Staff Evaluation
E. Will perform all other duties as deemed necessary and appropriate to the position


A. Will insure sound and accepted bookkeeping practices to maintain accurate Fiscal records of the organization
B. will write all checks
C. Will direct the sending of bills and/or invoices as is appropriate
D. Will develop in conjunction with appropriate staff a budget for each year to be presented for review at the first executive committee meeting of each school year
E. Will direct the preparation of reports for each meeting of the Executive Meeting and will direct the preparation of a final balance sheet for each year
F. Will oversee the filing of all appropriate records with the State of Oregon and the Internal Revenue Service G. Will act as signatory for all checks
H. Will chair the Professional Staff Evaluation Committee which will be composed of two additional board members
I. Will perform other duties as deemed necessary and appropriate to the position


Section 1: Student officers for the organization shall be the following:
A. President/Secretary-General
B. Two Vice Presidents
C. Five Under Secretaries

Section 2: Term of office shall be from their election at the Spring Conference to the completion of their duties at the end of the Spring Conference in the year following their election.

Section 3: If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, by a flip of the coin, one of the Vice Presidents shall succeed immediately.

Section 4: Any other vacancies shall be filled by vote of the Secretariat officers in consultation with the Advisor Members of the Executive Committee.

Section 5: Duties of the OHSIRL President

A. serves as the President for the Model United Nations program,
B. chair all meetings of the Secretariat
C. represent and vote on the behalf of students at the Executive Committee Meetings
D. be an advocate and spokesperson for OHSIRL as needed
E. bring program recommendations to the Executive Committee for their consideration F. take part in the credentials review process
F. Chair all General Sessions of the organization

Section 6: Duties of OHSIRL Vice Presidents
A. succeed the President if there is a vacancy
B. be an advocate and spokesperson for OHSIRL as needed
C. bring program recommendations to the Executive Committee for their consideration
D. take part in the credentials review process
E. serve as Presidents of General Assemblies of the Model United Nations at the Spring Conference
F. Serve on the Agenda Topic Standing Committee of the Executive Committee

Section 7: Duties of the Under Secretaries
A. be an advocate and spokesperson for OHSIRL as needed
B. bring program recommendations to the Executive Committee for their consideration
C. take part in the credentials review process
D. be responsible for the operation of various committees at the Spring Conference


Section 1: Committees of the Executive Committee shall consist of Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees
A. Standing Committees operate during the year
B. Ad Hoc Committees operate at the Fall and/or Spring Conference[s]

Section 2: Where appropriate and requested, staff will serve as ex officio members of any standing or ad hoc committee.


Section 1: Meetings will be held at least twice a year on a Saturday, once in September and once between the Spring Conference and May 31, at a location central to the members of the committee.

Section 2: Additional meetings may be held in conjunction with the Spring Conference and or any other events of the organization.

Section 3: Meetings may also be called by the chair or by petition of any five members of the Executive Committee. Said meeting to be held central to the members of the committee and written notice must be given two weeks prior to the meeting.

Section 4: Executive Committee meeting costs will be covered by the organization. Other costs incidental to the meeting will be covered as approved by the Executive Committee.


Section 1: The fiscal year extends from July 1 to June 30 of the following year.

Section 2: Annual membership dues and all other fees are determined by the Executive Committee and confirmed by a vote of the member schools. One vote per school of that (member) schools present, simple majority required

Section 3: Upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for public purpose.

ARTICLE 14: RULES OF ORDER All matters of procedures not specifically covered by the Constitution are conducted in accordance with the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, newly revised.


Section 1: Proposed amendments to this constitution are to be submitted to the Executive Committee 90 days prior to the Spring Conference.

Section 2: The Executive Committee presents the proposed amendment[s], with their recommendation[s] to member schools in writing prior to the Spring Conference.

Section 3: Amendments are deemed approved if 2/3 of the paid member schools in attendance vote in favor. One vote per school


Section 1: This Constitution is in immediate effect following ratification by a (paper) vote from 2/3 of paid member schools. One vote per school

Section 2: This Constitution and Bylaws takes precedence over all previous Constitutions and Bylaws.

Ratified as amended by Advisors at Spring Conference 2010